LINEスタンプ 宛メとは?

I want to live and I want to die. I wonder what would happen if I lived a little longer. If I die now, everything will be easier

I want to live and I want to die.
I wonder what would happen if I lived a little longer.
If I die now, everything will be easier.
That’s why I want to die.
Like a pendulum, I feel like I have no foothold.
Hey, what should I do?
There is no one who can give me an answer, but I keep asking for an answer.
小瓶を632人が拾った  保存2人  お返事3通 


I relate myself to how you feel. You feel like dying because that's how much you suffer. I believe there's value in choosing to live with that much pain. We don't need to have an answer now. Someday, without even noticing it, we may be living in the answer. I live my life day by day, trying to create some value in my life and others'. I'm hoping that someday when I look back on I would feel I lived a pretty good life.
Just live.
There is no purpose in living.
Eliminate all the thoughts from your head and wake up and feel the five senses.
That alone will tell you how wonderful it is to be alive.

I'm sorry, I'm Japanese.
I can't speak or read English.

I'm writing a sentence using Google's translation function.
Is it transmitted properly?

Still, I wrote this sentence because I wanted you to live.

Enjoy living.
I think you can live in your feeling.
I feel and I think too like you, I want to die but I want to live.
By the way,Let me tell you my opinions.
I’m still alive. I think It doesn’t have other meaning. I think it can’t.
You live here now. So I think you can live still, as me. Hehe
……and it means you can die like my brother. But, I feel, I think, I want you don’t be die……
Sooooooo I want to you live relax! I know that it’s hard to do…… but you can do it. Let’s do with me, with us.
Anytime come here if you feel none fine. We will give you tooooooo big hug!!!!!!!!!

Sorry my English skill is too poor, and my brain hasn’t been working. I’m not sure that you can understand my……”nonsense”. If you can’t understand my message, I’m so sorry.
夢と現実の行き来は実に愉快だなぁw 場違い発言あるからごめんなさいm(_ _)m (地雷系、量産型) 最近朝寒いねー。今日もみんな生きててえらいよヾ(´∀`*) 2021年11月19日、1日の事書くよぉ、じゃ、レッツラゴーーーーーーーーー
あなたの恋が実るなら「短編小説」 タスク管理、自己管理もまともに出来ない自分が無能に感じて苦しい 静かな雨の日。雨音だけが聞こえてくる。 まだ生きてる。つかれた。この4年は何にも手に付かなくてもどうにかして誤魔化して来れた 38年生きたのは。 喧嘩。姉と喧嘩をしてしまい今は家族を巻き込んでしまった。始まりは体調悪くて会社を早退して家で寝てた時いきなり姉が来て飼っていた猫を里親に出せよと言って出ていった ただの偽善者 ずっと1人で 05/05の出来事 なんかごめん。 恋愛の悩み。私には好きな人がいます。元々付き合っていたのですがその人は19才だったにもかかわらず既婚者だということがわかり、今裁判中です。 幸福に生きたかったので、自分の人生はすべて他人事だと思うようにした。つい数日前までは成功したと思っていた。だが失敗だったかもしれない。 最近の溜め込んだこと全部書く 新しく推しができまちた 就活で性格歪む。お祈りメールくる度に自分の嫌なとこばかり指されて全否定されてるみたいだ。



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